There is no legitimate use whatsoever for marijuana. This is not medicine. This is bogus witchcraft. It has no place in medicine, no place in pain relief...
— Bob Barr, "Drug War Chronicle", May 17, 2002
Things I think in the shower in the morning.
There is no legitimate use whatsoever for marijuana. This is not medicine. This is bogus witchcraft. It has no place in medicine, no place in pain relief...
Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information....Healthy debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides.
"You CANNOT go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts without an Indian accent."
GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?
PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?
GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?
PALIN: His world view.
GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.
PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that's the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.
GIBSON: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. Do you agree with that?
PALIN: Charlie, if there is legitimate and enough intelligence that tells us that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country. In fact, the president has the obligation, the duty to defend.
TRAIL MIX for Thursday: What's Up at Top Newspapers' Campaign Blogs?: "While the Secret Service does not generally publicize their code names chosen for those running for the highest offices in the land. Anne Kornblut of The Trail discovered that “Denali” (the name for the Alaska national park and preserve known for its mountains and wildlife) is their code name for Gov. Sarah Palin. Palin’s husband, Todd an oil slope worker, is known to the Secret Service as “Driller.” “Drill, baby, drill” is the informal McCain-Palin election chant. Obama is codenamed “Renegade,” and Michelle is “Renaissance” (selection of codenames for spouses often begin with the same letter). McCain is “Phoenix” and his wife Cindy is known to the Secret Service as “Parasol.” Interestingly enough the code name for Joe Biden is still unknown."Marc Ambinder says it's one of these: Cobbler, Celtic, Carbon, Cat Wrangler, or Cantor.
Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.
The Rationalizing Voter: "There are basically three theories of how voters think about issues when casting their ballot for a candidate. The first is 'policy-oriented voting,' in which a voter examines the various candidates on offer and votes for the one whose policy proposals most closely match the voter's own preferences. The second is 'persuasion,' in which the voter alters their own opinions to more closely conform with those of the candidate or party they favor. And the last is 'projection,' in which voters convince themselves that the candidate or party they favor really does possess the same beliefs that they do.
Sadly, persuasion and projection are much more common than policy voting. Voters aren't stupid. They're just much more committed to political parties and candidates than they are to issues. And we're not talking about the faceless rubes in the hinterlands. The effects of partisan bias actually become stronger as a voter's level of political information rises. High information voters, then, are actually more likely to warp their opinions based on their political allegiances"
Joe Biden is chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I trust him to keep us safe.A. Policy — a fervent Obama backer (since the primaries) likes a VP who voted for the Iraq war, supported sending ground troops to Kosovo, and has 35 years of Washington Experience on pure policy grounds.
Alaska residents cash in on dividend: "It's the season for Alaskans to be rewarded just for living here and this year's take is extra sweet: $3,269, a record share of the state's oil wealth combined with a special cash payout to help with stratospheric energy prices."You know, the Alaska oil payments sound an awful lot like my guaranteed income plan. (Give everybody a couple hundred bucks every month so they don't starve.)
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
A Yard Sign's Not Gonna Vote!True dat, yo. True dat.
"Why liberals don’t stand up to this garbage, I don’t know. Without the extraordinary contribution of liberals — from the mightiest presidents to the most unheralded protesters and organizers — the United States would be a much, much worse place than it is today."