Thursday, October 16, 2008

Swan Song

I wonder how much the course of Western Philosophy has been shaped by the discovery of Black Swans.

Midget Porn?

This is not, strictly speaking, the most disturbing thing I've ever seen... La Pequeña Sarah Palin

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This Should Make Their Brains Explode

Barry Goldwater, Mr. Conservative, arranged for his daughter to have an illegal abortion.

What happens when we win?

After the rout.

I agree with all of Chris's predictions to varying degrees. It really is pretty hard to predict what the Democratic Party will do, since their tactic over the past 2 years has been to hunker down and wait out the Bush Presidency, since he'll veto anything fun anyway.

In addition to the normal three axes in American politics (Economic, Foreign, Social), there's a fourth axis that could be described as Partisanship. For example, although Rahmbo is fairly conservative on most things, he's a hyper partisan and will always be first in line to try to fuck the Republicans. On the other hand, you've got a fair number of progressives like Kucinich who seem to enjoy telling Hoyer to get bent. So, once the Democrats have such a huge majority, and a President who will sign their bills, there'll be a wild and wacky period of inter-party alignment. My suspicion is that it'll end up being a fairly liberal working majority that ignores social issues and occasionally throws a piece of meat to corporate America. So: Yes on Universal Health Care, No on repealing DOMA.

Figuring out what the Republicans are going to do is easy. They'll probably fire Boehner, but even if they don't, they'll retreat to "Fuck you, that's why!" mode for the entirety of the Obama presidency. The House Republicans left standing after November will be the ones who are untouchable. If their districts are so conservative that they survive this election, then the only way they'll lose their seats is with a primary challenge from the right. And with such a large Democratic Majority (it's already larger than anything the Republicans managed from 1994-2006), they won't see any feasible way back into the majority. That means they have every incentive to screw with the Democrats, and none to work with them.

Which means the Democrats will be passing legislation by themselves, which is another reason they'll factionalize. Let's say we pick up 25 seats in the election. That'll make it 260 Dems to 175 GOP. That's an 85 seat advantage. But here's where they get bitchy. The GOP just decides that it's going to vote no on everything. Since all of their members are safe, and most of them are assholes, that bloc will hold.

So now you've got 260 Democratic Congressmen, of which 218 are needed to pass anything. Or, to put it the other way, only 43 Democratic congressmen need to be bought off by corporate lobbyists in order to stymie the progressive agenda. That's frighteningly possible, and the main reason why Kos has already made plans to wage a Jyhad against bad Democrats in 2010.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fucked Fucked Fuckity Fucked

Nouriel Roubini, the man who's been right about everything so far, says you're even more fucked than you realize.

He's no Lincoln


Actually LOL

This, my friends, is the funniest chat log in human history.

Byron York, renowned conservative hack, chatting with Matt Taibbi.

I've been sort of amazed throughout this entire financial crisis — conservatives have literally no idea what's going on, so it's unusually difficult for them to come up with a sensible sounding lies about the situation. Conservative responses aren't wrong, they're just nonsense, literally nonsensical. It's impossible to discuss things with people when they just don't understand something and refuse to admit it.

I suppose this is true about a number of things (most notably global warming and evolution), but in those areas conservatives have had decades to conjure up sophisticated bullshit that at least makes it seem like they know what they're talking about.

Da Sexy Times

Discussing our electoral prospects next month, someone recently asked me if we had any problem spots. I replied that we're probably going to lose a few house seats that we shouldn't have won last time, even though we're going to pick up seats over all.

I used as an example Mark Foley, whose house seat we never would've taken if he hadn't been fucking little boys. Oh, look.