Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Revolt on the Left!

Surveillance Protest Group Tops Obama Website: "Protesters are storming Barack Obama's website. But they all support Obama.

A grassroots group of activists has been organizing on MyBo, Obama's official social networking portal, to protest the Senator's recent decision to back controversial legislation granting the President more spying powers. The effort hit a big milestone on Tuesday afternoon: It is now the largest self-organized group on Obama's website, topping networks that were launched over a year ago."
I joined the group a few days ago. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it.

I'm more optimistic than most, as I think Feingold and The Dodd still have a pretty good chance of killing immunity in the Senate. I was always under the impression that Obama would vote no on immunity. The real question is whether or not he'll join the fillibuster.

It's pretty clear Obama doesn't want to be in this situation — he originally opposed FISA and sided with the Dodd a while back, but he was pretty much forced this time to agree to the resolution or risk alienating the House Dem Leadership. If Grandma Nancy had been against this latest bill, I'm sure Obama would be as well. Now, of course, the situation is different, because if Obama faces a full-scale base revolt over this, he'll have the perfect excuse to shift gears and oppose the bill in the Senate.

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