Monday, September 15, 2008

White Votes

On what planet does Barack Obama have a chance of winning the white vote?

John Kerry only got 41% of the white vote. If Kerry had won Hispanics with the 66% that Obama is polling, that would've shifted New Mexico, Iowa, Nevada, and probably Colorado.

Given the Hispanic shift to the Democrats over the past 4 years, the natural demographic increase of Hispanic voters, and a potential surge of African American voters, Barack Obama will win the presidency with just 40% of white voters. He ought to be able to pull that in any state outside of the South/Appalachia.

The Democrats will win in 2008 because of the shift of Hispanic voters. Everything else is noise.


Tertullian said...

I wish I were as confident as you are about that Democratic victory.

Matthew Carroll-Schmidt said...

Well, if he dramatically under performs Kerry among white voters, we might have a problem...