Thursday, June 19, 2008

Iraq War Revisionism

I went to a family gathering yesterday, and had a couple of chats with my Republican relatives. My hardcore right-wing uncle kept insisting that the major reason we went to war with Iraq was to create a stable and democratic Iraq. He, of course, insists that it's working out fine and victory is right around the corner, but that's just garden variety crazy.

How far down the memory hole have Weapons of Mass Destruction (or WMDs, as we called 'em back in the day) gone? Does anybody else remember this?

We did go to war with Iraq because they had super scary weapons and wouldn't disarm, right?

I mean, I remember the plan was to let 'em vote and stuff after we blew the place up, but the main goal was weapons, right? Democracy was a post hoc justification after we couldn't find any of the weapons.

What's that, Bushie?
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
Ok, so the crazy right-wingers that were wrong about everything are still wrong about everything. Good to know.

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