Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The United States of America Tortures People

Snitchens undergoes waterboarding:
Believe Me, It's Torture: Politics: "I apply the Abraham Lincoln test for moral casuistry: “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.” Well, then, if waterboarding does not constitute torture, then there is no such thing as torture."
Seriously, after January, some motherfuckers better go to jail.


Thanatos02 said...

I read that article. I think that everyone should.

Charles Fulton said...

If we don't torture then why do we work so hard to indemnify our people against accusations thereof? Bastards, all of them. Good for Hitchens. We had a local letter writer inquire last year if Bush & Cheney were willing to undergo waterboarding, seeing as it wasn't torture.