Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This is the eighth in a twenty part series. Click here for an explanation.

8. Other than more drilling, what steps do you suggest the U.S. take in order to move toward energy independence? Do you believe more investment is needed in alternative energy research? If so, how would you recommend this funding be allocated?

Well, first off, drilling is stupid.

1. It's not much oil.
2. Offshore drilling is extremely vulnerable to weather fluctuations.
3. The oil we have in the U.S. should be saved for the future, for things like Airplane fuel, for which there is no good substitute yet, or plastics manufacturing, etc.

I would "fund" alternative fuels by creating market incentives for them through a carbon tax. Why pick and play favorites that are innefficient (ethanol) or mythological (clean coal) or potentially apocalyptic (nuclear)? Tax Carbon, all carbon output, and then split the proceeds from the tax between a flat rebate to the American citizenry, and infrastructure improvements (SUPERTRAIN!).

This will reduce greenhouse gases, encourage people to live greener lives (everybody gets the same rebate, so those who use less carbon will actually profit on the deal), and create more investment (jobs!) and liveable communities.

The idea of "Energy Independence", is, by the way, a ridiculous idea. Is there any particular reason we shouldn't buy wind power from Canada if they can make it cheaper than we can? The problem with our current energy regime isn't the foreign sources, it's the fact that it's destroying the planet and increasingly expensive.

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