Monday, November 10, 2008

Secretary of State

There's chatter out there about who President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama might choose as his Secretary of State. While this blog officially supports Bill "America's Bestest Diplomat Evar" Richardson (and we strenuously object to Dick "I like to bomb things" Holbrooke), the two names I find interesting are Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

Some commentaries during the primary season compared the Clinton/Obama race to the Seward/Lincoln competition in 1860. William H. Seward was thought to be a lock on the Republican nomination in 1860, but Lincoln out maneuvered him for the nomination. After the convention, Seward agreed to campaign for Lincoln, and after the election, Lincoln chose him to be Secretary of State.

What's been missed is that there's a precedent for Kerry too. In 1912, Woodrow Wilson chose the former nominee of the party, William Jennings Bryan, to be his Secretary of State.

All I'm saying is, if Black Lincoln picks Lady Seward, the Republicans are running a General in 2012.

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