Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Unelected Dictator

Shockingly, I partially agree with something posted on the National Review, written by Jonah "Doughy Pantload" Goldberg:
Jonah Goldberg on Anthony Kennedy on National Review Online: "The Court, by assuming that responsibility, and the other branches of government, by surrendering it, have permanently damaged the constitutional order. Indeed, Thomas Jefferson believed that a judiciary with final jurisdiction over the constitutionality of presidential and legislative actions “would make the judiciary a despotic branch” of government.

Today, that despot has a name. It’s Justice Anthony Kennedy. Kennedy rules — thanks to his status as the court’s swing vote — as the true King of America."
See also, Sandy Says. I have a suspicion that after we win big this November, liberals will fondly recall when our biggest challenge seemed to be getting to 60 in the Senate. Damn near everything Obama and Congress do will have to be approved by Justice Kennedy.

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