Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Question of the Day

I once met a guy selling Communist Party USA Platforms at a protest (SOA, Fort Benning, GA). I'm all like "Hey, neat, a commie", because I've met a few commies in my day, and most of 'em have turned out to be garden variety Democratic Socialists who haven't quite grasped that the USSR ruined the word. But this guy, this guy was something else.

I remember him vividly declaring to me "We need to re-organize this country, based on Maoist Principles!"

I thought to myself, "What, do you want to outlaw modern agriculture so we all starve, or heavy industry to collapse the economy?"

It turned out he wanted all of us to go on a really long march to Washington. Or something.

So my question is: Has anyone else ever met a real, live, Maoist?

I suspect, for some reason, that Mr. Mank has.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that who those people in the drab olive-green work uniforms selling little red books were?

Who knew...